2ª de 8
G.P. de Portugal
26 de abril, 2009

Comunicados de prensa
Montesa HRC Trial Team
  Campeonato del Mundo FIM de Trial. 3ª prueba. 3ª prueba. Gran Premio de Portugal.

Toni Bou suma un nuevo triunfo que le sitúa líder en solitario de la clasificación general.

Chaves (Portugal), 26.04.2009.- Toni Bou (Montesa Cota 4RT) ha sido el vencedor del Gran Premio de Portugal de Trial, tercera prueba del Campeonato del Mundo, disputada este domingo. Con este resultado, el piloto de Montesa se ha situado líder en solitario de la clasificación general. Toni Bou ha dominado las dos vueltas a un recorrido variado y técnicamente interesante, que ha alternado secciones húmedas con otras totalmente secas. El campeón en título ha finalizado el primer giro con cuatro puntos de ventaja sobre su rival más inmediato y la segunda ronda ha rematado, siendo el único que la ha concluido sin ninguna penalización.

Takahisa Fujinami (Montesa Cota 4RT) no ha estado tan acertado como su compañero de equipo, finalizando sexto. Aún así, el japonés ha contribuido a un nuevo triunfo de Montesa, que ha incrementado su ventaja al frente de la clasificación de marcas.

Toni Bou: “Me he sentido muy cómodo con la moto pero ello no me ha impedido sufrir, ya que considero que ha sido un trial bastante fácil. Ya sabemos que en estas condiciones siempre se corre el riesgo de cometer algún error que pueda costar unos puntos irrecuperables. Esta victoria es muy importante ya que me ha permitido desempatar en la general y situarme líder en solitario. Adam está muy fuerte, hoy lo hemos visto de nuevo, y no tengo ninguna duda de que durante toda la temporada vamos a tener que esforzarnos al máximo”.

La próxima cita del Campeonato del Mundo de Trial será de jornada doble y tendrá lugar los días 16 y 17 de mayo en Carlisle (Gran Bretaña).

Información de: Oficina de prensa y comunicación: infomotor

Dougie Lampkin

SPEA FIM Trial World Championship. Chaves, Portugal. Round 2 Day 1 Sunday (1 day event) 26/04/09

Dougie Lampkin eventally slumped to a disappointing eighth position, after having showed some promise during the early part of today's Portuguese Grand Prix held on the outskirts of Chaves. The Beta factory rider held a solid fifth place ahead of Takahisa Fujinami at the halfway point, but a poor last lap saw the thirty-three year old fall down the order.

Sitting just below the Spanish border, in the top corner of Portugal, the small town of Chaves will hardly go down in history as one of the best events the championship has ever seen. Despite the abundance of great trials terrain on surrounding hills, the course followed an extended route to take in fifteen mostly dry sections. Overnight rain helped increase the severity of these hazards, with the greasy top surface catching out many riders during the morning session.

Lampkin held his own in these conditions and finished his initial tour on a creditable twenty-one marks despite recording three fives in the three most difficult sections, including the steep and never ending dry rock face in the twelfth hazard. However as his rivals improved their scores as the sections dried on the second lap, Dougie failed to raise his game and his fate was sealed with a terrible five in the penultimate section of the day.

Despite this poor result, Lampkin still holds sixth in the general standings ahead of his home Grand Prix next month. A dejected Dougie stated. " My second lap has been a real mess, and included a really bad five in section fourteen when the back wheel slipped away unexpectedly. Without that stupid five I would have at least been one place higher. The most annoying and frustrating thing is that a top five finish was there for the taking today and I have missed the opportunity. Hopefully I can bounce back at the next round in front of my home fans."

Información de: G2F Media Ltd

James Dabill

Trial World Championship. Portugal

James Dabill, No.1 JST GAS GAS UK Rider has once again finished 7th at the third round of the World Trials Championship in Portugal.

After two 7th places at the opening two rounds in Ireland we were commited to getting the Top5 result that James is so capable of in Portugal yesterday. Fully confident after the Practice sessions, Dibs was ready for Sunday morning.

He 'breezed' the first two sections easily and studied the difficult third with the rest of the world's elite. With him being perfect online at the difficult middle part of the section he was a little too steady with the throttle and failed for a five. Not a big problem because it was a very difficult section.

Then the 4th which rattled us all (especially me!). The section was easily 'cleanable' for Dibs (as he did so on the second lap) and he was confident. He nodded to the observer halfway up the section and he called Dibs in. After he launched up the first big step, the bottom observer blew his whistle which confused us all. He said he wasnt ready and ordered James to get out of the section which we all presumed a re-run would happen but NO! He was adamant that he was the boss and he wasn't ready and also not prepaired to give Dibs a re-run so a quick, frustrating '5' was given. NOT HAPPY! Nevertheless Dibs shrugged this off and blitzed the next section with ease.

He then went on a role until the difficult section 11 which he did but was timed out ;-(

Another '5' on 12 which was very hard saw the race to the time control for the allowed 3h10min first lap rule. James went into Enduro mode and arrived at 13 on a mission which he cleaned. A scrappy 'two' on 14 pushing for time which he also lost one mark because he was late ;-(

A steady ride to 15 and an easy clean to finish the lap on 29 in 7th. Five marks behind FUJI and 8 behind Doug....game on!

Now Dibs is making a habit of some good second lap comebacks which was needed. He was on a role on the second lap and was impressive to watch. He fived section 6 because i made him do it my way (oops!) but then he did the rest of the lap for only two more which was awesome. Doug struggled in the latter stages so we knew that we had beaten 'Legend Lampkin' but what about FUJI ? At the finished James was pumped with his second lap but then he was stunned to see Frexias' lap of 8 which took Marc to 5th place....fair play!

We then waited for Fuji and although James was 4 better then Fuji on the second lap he just managed to stay infront of Dibs by 2 marks ;-(

I know you should never say 'if and but'.....BUT without the plonker on section 4 and the two time penalites then 5th would have been Dibs'!

What we need is a massive effort from James, Jack and myself at Carlisle at the UK round and the support of the British public, i know James can have an awesome weekend and get Top 5!!

Thanks to Jack and Kev ;-)

Información de: John Shirt Jnr. Director, Team Manager. C/o GAS GAS Motos Ltd

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