5ª de 8
G.P. de Italia
21 de junio, 2009

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Gas Gas Team
 Campeonato del Mundo de Trial, Barzio Milano (Italia)

Victoria de GAS GAS en el Mundial de Trial

Fin de semana perfecto para el equipo GAS GAS. En el Campeonato del Mundo de Trial, Adam Raga ha logrado la primera posición en la prueba disputada en Italia.

En el Mundial de Trial, Adam Raga ha logrado la primera posición por delante de las dos Montesa. Raga se mantiene segundo en la clasificación general a solo 14 puntos del primer clasificado.

En las zonas que formaban la prueba, muy complicadas y técnicas, Raga ha salido absolutamente motivado desde el inicio de la jornada. Durante la primera vuelta, Fujinami llegó a colocarse por delante del piloto de GAS GAS, pero las fuerzas y la concentración de Raga no le han traicionado y ha vuelto a colocarse primero, posición que ha mantenido hasta el final de la prueba. La segunda vuelta ha sido muy buena, afinando zona tras zona y cometiendo muy pocos errores.

"Ha sido una merecida victoria, tanto para mí como para el equipo GAS GAS. Veníamos con el todavía mal sabor de boca de lo que ocurrió en Japón y necesitábamos ganar para olvidarnos y poder celebrar un triunfo. Ahora el objetivo es no parar de sumar victorias en las pruebas que restan. Quiero ser campeón del mundo con GAS GAS. Hoy, sin duda, ha sido fantástico. Ha sido un trial con un gran nivel, muy acertado" declaraba Raga.

Raga ha querido dedicar esta victoria a su mecánico, Sam Xiberta, que ayer en los entrenos tuvo un gran susto. Durante tres largos y angustiosos minutos, el pie del mecánico quedo atrapado por una roca de más de 4000 kg. Gracias a la intervención de los pilotos y mochileros que había por la zona, consiguieron salvar la pierna de Sam, que en estos momentos se encuentra en su casa recuperándose del susto.

  Información de: Gas Gas Prensa

Beta Trueba
 CAMPEONATO DEL MUNDO DE TRIAL 2009. 8ª Prueba, GP de Italia

Jeroni Fajardo, quinto en Barzio, por detrás de su compañero de equipo Dougie Lampkin

La octava manga puntuable para el Campeonato del Mundo de Trial, celebrada en la localidad italiana de Barzio, en el norte de Milán, se ha demostrado como la más exigente hasta el momento de las que forman parte del calendario 2009, como queda bien patente por las elevadas puntuaciones en las tarjetas de los pilotos, quienes además han penalizado por tiempo en su gran mayoría ante la dureza del recorrido.

Los pilotos de Beta, Dougie Lampkin y Jeroni Fajardo han ocupado finalmente las cuarta y quinta posición, destacando la segunda vuelta de Fajardo, en la que el piloto de Beta Trueba ha estado al nivel de los mejores (tercer mejor puntuación), recuperando dos posiciones y pasando de la séptima plaza que ocupaba al termino del primer paso por las zonas a la quinta posición final. Tras este resultado, Lampkin y Fajardo ocupan la quinta y sexta posición en la provisional, a falta de tres pruebas para la finalización del campeonato.

  Información de: Beta Trueba SL

Montesa HRC Trial Team
  Campeonato del Mundo FIM de Trial. 8ª prueba. Gran Premio de Italia.

Toni Bou sigue al frente del mundial tras finalizar tercero en una prueba dominada en su mayor parte por Takahisa Fujinami.

Barzio (Italia), 21.06.2009.- Toni Bou (Montesa Cota 4RT) sigue al frente de la clasificación general del Campeonato del Mundo de Trial después de haber ocupado la tercera posición en la octava cita del certamen, disputada este domingo. Vencedor de las seis pruebas anteriores y a falta de tres para la conclusión del campeonato, el piloto de Montesa dispone de 14 puntos de ventaja sobre su rival más próximo.

Takahisa Fujinami (Montesa Cota 4RT) ha sido un serio aspirante al triunfo en esta prueba que dominaba al término de la primera vuelta y en la que algunos errores en los compases finales le han pasado factura. El japonés ha terminado segundo por tercera vez consecutiva, resultado que le ha permitido remontar una plaza en la general y situarse tercero.

La posición de podio de Fujinami y Bou ha reportado a Montesa un nuevo triunfo en la clasificación de marcas, apartado en el que ha incrementado su ventaja como líder.

Toni Bou: “He hecho unos errores increíbles en la primera vuelta y en la segunda he trabajado duro para reconducir la situación, que no era precisamente buena. No solo he roto la racha de victorias sino que este ha sido mi peor resultado de la presente temporada. Aún así, a estas alturas del campeonato y tal como están las cosas, considero que haber terminado tercero no ha sido una mala operación”.

Takahisa Fujinami: “No sé que ha ocurrido, pero la realidad es que en las últimas zonas he hecho algunos errores que no debería haber cometido y he perdido el triunfo. En la prueba anterior, en Japón, se me escapó por la mínima y hoy lo veía de nuevo a mi alcance. Terminar segundo está bien pero, evidentemente, esta vez tampoco me ha satisfecho”.

El próximo fin de semana el Campeonato del Mundo de Trial se trasladará a La Rabassa (Andorra), donde el sábado Laia Sanz iniciará el asalto al que sería su noveno título y el día siguiente Toni Bou defenderá su condición de líder en la novena y antepenúltima prueba del certamen.

Información de: Oficina de prensa y comunicación: infomotor

Dougie Lampkin

Trial World Championship (Outdoor) Barzio, Italy. Round 5 Day 1 Sunday (1 day event) 21/06/09

Dougie Lampkin took a brave fourth place at today's Italian Grand Prix, with the factory rider fighting both a tough trial and the injuries he sustained last weekend in Austria. The severe nature of many of the sections meant that Lampkin was in pain for much of the competition, with his sore and swollen hand costing him marks as he failed to find sufficient strength to hold on to the handlebars on at least two occasions.

Typically Dougie gritted his teeth and got on with the job ahead of him when today's trial got underway, despite him having had to sit out of most of the practice sessions on Friday and Saturday to protect his injuries. Incredibly the thirty-three year old traded blows with the front-runners through the first six or seven sections, and actually shared the lead with Bou and Fujinami at points.

With time running out Lampkin along with the other top riders had to rush to complete the first lap and picked up four fives in the closing hazards. Even with these late losses and six marks on time Dougie found himself in third place at the halfway point. The hot conditions and ongoing punishment to his injured hand took its toll on the veteran campaigner during the second lap, with Dougie finally having to concede the final podium position to a resurgent Bou.

"Considering I was not sure if I was going to be able to ride this weekend, fourth place is far more than I could have ever expected. I know perhaps I should be disappointed at just missing out on being on the podium again for the third trial in a row, but in all honestly I am really happy with today's result given the circumstances. My hand was both sore and weak on the second lap, twice I simply could not hang on and both times it ended with a five. It was OK when I had time to adjust my grip to compensate for the injury, but when things happened too quickly I had no chance of hanging on." Lampkin explained.

Información de: G2F Media Ltd

Gas Gas JST UK

Trial World Championship. Italian Round

JAMES DABILL (JST GG) finished 7th

Because James had a bad second day in Japan meant that his start time for Italy would be in front of his rivals. With the course being very long and the sections very long it was obvious that the 3 hour time limit for the first lap would be a major issue.

Dibs started well and cleaned the first four sections confidently and easily. He pioneered the lines for his rivals but had no choice, we had to get cracking. He fived section 5 where he veered off line which was easily done (cleaned it with ease on lap 2). Scrappy on 6 for a three and then a race to section 7 which resulted in another five on the steep, grassy hill side.

The next four sections were hard,very hard up a dry, but still slippy, rock strewn gully that again Dibs had to ride first, showing everyone else the lines. He fived 8 and then learned of a really sneeky (cheat) line that made the end possible. He then fived 9 on the last big step which was soooo close. (good catch Jack!) He was very good on the long section 10 which a mature 'three'. He fived 11 which to be honest was 'fair enough' because we could not see a possible line and with time ticking Dibs made an unconfident attempt because we really needed to see someone ride it first.

We then raced to section 12 where he was again good for a three. A 'cross country special test' was next (which was ace) racing back to the paddock for the last three sections. We timed it well because Dibs had 15 minutes to do these last 3 sections. He calmed himself down and was awesome on 13 ffor a clean but was cruely timed out by one second for a cruel 5 !

No time to moan and onto 14 which he was MEGA for a three. Dibs finished the lap with a fantastic clean on 15 (which he didnt even look at!) to finish just 20 seconds to spare on 43 marks in 8th place.

Dibs needed a special comeback and with no excuses of riding first we cracked on. He started the lap well again and went on a 'Dibsroll'. We got to 9 on only five marks which was well on the pace. He was VERY frustrated to five the last big step on section 9 but bounced back well with another three on 10. HE WAS AWESOME ON 11 for a one dab ride which got me well pumped!

A quick blast to 12 which he cleaned with ease (bou fived this twice) then back to the paddock area for the last 3 sections which Dibs was determined to do. We had loads of time for these last three sections so time to compose and concentrate. To cut along story short Dibs fived all three sections which was BAD. He failed the big step on 13 (rubbish) and fived the middle part of 14 which was bloody hard so fair enough.

To finish with a 'soft five' on the last was annoying so a fantastic comeback was spolit by fiving the last three sections ;(

Nevertheless James remained upbeat at the finish accepting his mistakes and was pleased to beat Marc Freixa which keeps Dibs in 7th place in the Championship, 8 points ahead of Freixa.

DIBS MUST WORK HARD to have any chance of catching Jeroni in 6th in the Championship race who is 10 points in front with 3 rounds to go...game on!

Ross Danby (JSTGG) was 11th in the Junior WTC Class and is now 7th in the Championship. Jonny Walker (Wren GG) was 9th in the Youth WTC Class and is now 8th in the Championship.

Thanks to Jack who was superb and to Factory Kev.

Congrats to...
Matteo Grattarola / Sherco
Carles Traviesa / GAS GAS

Información de: John Shirt Jnr. Director, Team Manager. C/o GAS GAS Motos Ltd

   Reportajes Mundial de Trial