G.P. de Estados Unidos
5 y 6 de mayo, 2004
4ª de 9

Comunicados de prensa
Gas Gas Team
Primera jornada del Trial de EEUU, 4ª cita del Campeonato del Mundo


Mika Vesterinen (GAS GAS) se impone en el apartado Júnior.

Spirit Mountain (Duluth, Minessota), 6 de junio de 2004.– Disputada la primera jornada del Gran Premio de Estados Unidos de Trial, el piloto del equipo «Jordi Tarrés-GAS GAS», Adam Raga, se ha alzado en el podio secundando a Takahisa Fujinami –actual líder tras el cuarto lugar conseguido por Doug Lampkin– y a Graham Jarvis.

Raga ha realizado una excelente segunda vuelta penalizando sólo 17 puntos, el que menos de todos los participantes; ello ha contrarrestado los 31 puntos acumulados en la primera pasada por las zonas. « Ha sido una lástima penalizar tantos puntos en la primera vuelta de este trial; si hubiese estado un poco más fino quizás incluso nos habríamos adjudicado la prueba. Se trata de un trial difícil pero la intención es recuperar el máximo de terreno en la segunda jornada». Esta empezará sobre las 16 horas de hoy y terminará al punto de la medianoche (horario español). Jeroni Fajardo, el pupilo de Marc Colomer en la School of Champions GAS GAS ha sido 8º y Jordi Pascuet, 10º justo por detrás de Tadeusz Blazusiak, el piloto de la marca gerundense que lidera el europeo de la especialidad.

En el apartado júnior, victoria también con color GAS GAS de la mano de Mika Vesterinen, seguido de Isaac Pons (GAS GAS), los dos protagonistas que luchan por liderar este certamen, actualmente en manos del segundo.

Segunda jornada del Trial de EEUU, 4ª cita del Campeonato del Mundo


Spirit Mountain (Duluth, Minessota), 7 de junio de 2004.– La segunda jornada del Trial de Estados Unidos ha completado un podio muy parecido al de su jornada de debut, con Adam Raga tercero secundando a Takahisa Fujinami y Doug Lampkin, respectivamente, pero empatado a puntos con el británico que le ha superado al contabilizar más ceros.

La principal diferencia ha residido en el cómputo final de penalizaciones logradas por los participantes, que se ha rebajado mucho en comparación a ayer, en especial en la segunda vuelta del trial en la que los tres pilotos que han copado el podio han penalizado como máximo 3 puntos, mientras que Raga en la primera jornada conseguía ser el mejor acumulando 17 puntos, lo que el sábado ya era un resultado espectacular.

« Aunque parezca una paradoja, hoy la prueba nos ha resultado más fácil a todos y no se ha decidido hasta el final, puesto que entre los tres primeros las diferencias han sido mínimas. Fujinami y yo hemos realizado 21 zonas sin penalizar, pero Doug 23 y eso le ha otorgado la segunda plaza; en cambio, yo he sido el único participante que no ha cometido ningún fiasco. Todos teníamos opciones de ganar y al final Fujinami ha sido el que más ha afinado», decía resignado Adam Raga que, tras este periplo americano, sigue tercero en la general por detrás de los pilotos citados.

Jeroni Fajardo ha vuelto ha ser octavo y continúa sexto en la clasificación provisional del campeonato, mientras que Jordi Pascuet ha sido noveno (11º en la general) justo por detrás de Tadeusz Blazusiak, el polaco de GAS GAS que es 10º absoluto. La próxima ronda del mundial tendrá lugar en Valdeblore (Francia), el fin de semana del 19 y 20 de junio.

  Información de: Jas Info Service

Montesa HRC Trial Team
Campeonato del Mundo de Trial. 4ª prueba: Gran Premio de Estados Unidos (1r día)

Takahisa Fujinami suma su cuarto triunfo, los tres últimos consecutivos. Montesa mantiene con firmeza el liderato en marcas.

Duluth (Minnesota, EUA), 05.06.2004- Takahisa Fujinami (Montesa-HRC RTL 250) ha sido el vencedor de la primera jornada del trial de Estados Unidos, cuarta prueba del Campeonato del Mundo. El piloto de Repsol-Montesa HRC ha sumado su cuarta victoria de la presente temporada, las tres últimas consecutivas, y ha pasado a liderar en solitario la clasificación general, con siete puntos de ventaja sobre Dougie Lampkin (Montesa-HRC Cota 315R). El británico era líder al término de la primera vuelta a un recorrido al que la intensa lluvia ha aportado notable dificultad. En la tercera zona de la segunda vuelta, el siete veces campeón del mundo ha sufrido un accidente en el que se ha golpeado fuertemente una pierna, quedando imposibilitado a partir de aquel momento para defender sus opciones al triunfo. Marc Freixa (Montesa-HRC Cota 315R) ha finalizado sexto y sigue quinto en la general del campeonato. Laia Sanz (Montesa-HRC Cota 315R) ha rozado el podio en la Copa del Mundo Júnior, quedando solo a dos puntos de las plazas de honor. En la clasificación de marcas, Montesa mantiene sólidamente el liderato.

Takahisa Fujinami: “Ganar tres carreras consecutivas, y en este caso concreto una prueba tan difícil como ha sido esta me aporta una motivación máxima y plena confianza en mi mismo. Estoy muy, muy satisfecho con este triunfo. Quiero ser campeón del mundo y veo que estoy en el buen camino aunque, eso sí, soy consciente que para lograrlo deberé seguir en esta línea, sin relajarme ni un momento”.

Dougie Lampkin: “He sufrido una fuerte caída y aún así considero que terminar cuarto ha sido un desastre después de estar en cabeza al final de la primera vuelta. El caso es que Fujinami ha vuelto a ganar y, si no quiero que se escape, mañana deberé esforzarme al máximo para conseguir una victoria que considero necesaria”.

Marc Freixa: “No me he sentido bien. No he encontrado el feeling necesario y he cometido demasiados errores. Espero mejorar mañana”.

Laia Sanz: “Hace dos semanas estuve a punto de conseguir mi primer podio entre los júnior y hoy me he quedado a sólo dos puntos de él. Creo que está al caer. Me siento satisfecha”.

Mañana se disputará la segunda jornada de esta prueba.

  Campeonato del Mundo de Trial. 4ª prueba: Gran Premio de Estados Unidos (2º día)

Takahisa Fujinami sigue en racha, repite victoria y amplía su ventaja como líder del mundial. Dougie Lampkin finaliza segundo.

Duluth (Minnesota, EUA), 06.06.2004- Takahisa Fujinami (Montesa-HRC RTL 250) ha sumado su quinto triunfo de la temporada, los cuatro últimos consecutivos, al imponerse en la segunda jornada del Trial de Estados Unidos, cuarta prueba del Campeonato del Mundo. El japonés ha ampliado su ventaja como líder de la general, con diez puntos sobre Dougie Lampkin (Montesa-HRC Cota 315R), que ha finalizado segundo y sigue siendo el más regular en el podio. Marc Freixa (Montesa-HRC Cota 315R) ha sido sexto y Laia Sanz (Montesa-HRC Cota 315R) quinta entre los participantes en la Copa del Mundo Júnior, la misma plaza que mantiene en la general. En marcas, Montesa ha seguido incrementando sus diferencias como líder.

Takahisa Fujinami: “En la primera vuelta no creía ir en cabeza y me ha costado aguantar la presión. Y en el segundo giro he debido esforzarme de nuevo en este aspecto. Debo mantenerme así y seguir ganando. Lo cierto es que nunca me había sentido tan fuerte como ahora y veo que estoy en el buen camino para conquistar este título mundial que persigo desde hace algunos años”.

Dougie Lampkin: “Estoy muy molesto conmigo mismo. He fallado en el primer paso por la zona 13, saltándome una flecha. Un piloto que quiera ganar el mundial no puede permitirse estos errores. El trial lo he perdido yo, así de claro”.

Marc Freixa: “Como ayer, he seguido sin sentirme bien y desconozco el porqué. El caso es que he rendido muy por debajo de lo que soy capaz y lo he pagado con mi peor resultado de la temporada. Es imperativo mejorar”.

Laia Sanz: “Nada que ver con ayer, en que se me escapó el podio por solo dos puntos. Hoy no me he sentido bien, me he notado como cansada y al final he empeorado aún con una caída”.

La próxima prueba del Campeonato del Mundo será el Gran Premio de Francia, que se disputará los días 19 y 20 del presente mes de Junio en Valdeblore.

Información de: Oficina de prensa y comunicación: infomotor

Beta Trueba


El piloto de Beta Trueba se mantiene en la cuarta plaza del Mundial

La climatología ha vuelto a ser la protagonista inesperada de un Gran Premio puntuable para el Mundial de Trial. Una intensa lluvia convirtió la primera jornada del GP de USA en uno de los triales más duros de este año.

Se da la circunstancia de que tras la inspección rutinaria de las zonas por parte de los pilotos en la jornada previa a la carrera, con clima seco, estos solicitaron unánimemente a los organizadores un endurecimiento de las mismas, para no caer en el error de que la prueba fuera poco selectiva, como había sucedido en carreras anteriores. Los responsables de la prueba de Minnesota hicieron caso, lo que unido a la torrencial lluvia que cayó durante la carrera convirtió esta en una de las más duras del año.

Albert Cabestany, poco amigo de rodar en terreno resbaladizo marcó 69 puntos tras finalizar en la quinta plaza en ambas vueltas, lo que le suponía una quinta plaza final que si bien no colmaba sus expectativas, si le permite mantener la cuarta plaza en la provisional, aumentando en un punto su ventaja con respecto a Marc Freixa, su máximo rival en esta zona de puntos. Toni Bou, por su parte, repetía su mejor resultado de este año, un séptimo logrado en la segunda jornada del GP de Portugal, lo que le permite avanzar un puesto en la general, situándose octavo, mientras que Josep Manzano ha finalizado en la decimocuarta plaza.

Mañana domingo se disputará la segunda manga de este GP de USA de Trial.



Los pilotos de Beta Trueba afianzan sus posiciones en el Mundial

Pese a no poder subir al podium en la segunda jornada del GP de USA de Trial, tanto Albert Cabestany como Toni Bou han salido airosos de una prueba disputada en unas condiciones mucho más favorables que ayer, al no hacer acto de aparición la lluvia.

Albert Cabestany ha logrado la cuarta plaza, lo que unido al mal resultado de su inmediato seguidor en la general, Marc Freixa, le permite sumar unos valiosos puntos que le distancian de aquel.

Quien ha salido aún más satisfecho de la prueba americana ha sido el joven Toni Bou, quien con la quinta plaza obtenida consigue el que es su mejor resultado en una prueba puntuable para el Mundial de Trial, lo que le permite afianzarse en la octava plaza de la provisional.

La próxima prueba puntuable para el Campeonato del Mundo de Trial se disputará el fin de semana del 19 y 20 de junio en Valdeblore (Francia)

  Información de: Beta Trueba S.L.

Dougie Lampkin Team
  World Outdoor Trials Championship Duluth, USA. Round 4 Day 1 Saturday 05/06/04

Dougie Lampkin suffered 'a bad day at the office' when he recorded his worst result of the season today at the fourth round of the championship held at Duluth, USA. Lampkin led the trial at the end of the first lap, but slipped down to fourth place come the finish after a massive crash at section three on his second attempt. Major repairs were needed to Dougie's bike as he slammed into the face of the four metre high rock face. With the fork yolks replaced Lampkin could almost count himself lucky to walk away with just a heavily bruised right leg.

" I certainly ran out of luck today, first the big crash in section three, then I fived the very next section and finally I had a chain off in section ten. Fourth place is pretty much a disaster after having been out front at the end of the first lap.
With Fujinmai winning again, the result is even worse especially as he now has a seven point lead in the championship. Tomorrow I need to get back to winning, and put today right behind me. "

Torrential rain for over three hours this morning, plus modifications to the course late yesterday afternoon following the rider's inspection (when they deemed the sections to be too easy) made for a tough event. With the rain lashing down, some sections became impossible, some only passable for scrappy threes and section nine was cancelled on the second lap for safety reasons as the water levels in the river rose rapidly. Despite incurring a soft five on section three on the first lap, Dougie rode brilliantly for the remainder of the lap to hold the early lead. His second lap was a series of disasters and produced a result he will want to forget quickly.

gie Lampkin regained control of the head of the outdoor World trials championship with a close second place at today's round in Japan. Lampkin narrowly missed out on the victory, losing the trial by just a single mark to his Japanese team mate Fujinami, after a great fight back during the second lap that saw him clean all but one of the fifteen sections. Unfortunately his only loss was heavy, a five at section five, this his second maximum of the day effectively gave Fujinami the win, even though the home rider himself was forced into several late mistakes as the pressure mounted. Championship leader prior to this round, Adam Raga finished third today and sits only a point behind Lampkin in the overall standings.

" The win was there for the taking on both laps, but I bad two bad mistakes, which both ended up in fives. Right now I feeling a little disappointed as I know I should have won, as the conditions really suited me. However it isn't all bad news, as with Raga finishing third it means that I am now back in front in the championship, which can't be such a bad thing. Hopefully they will toughen some sections up ready for tomorrow, when I will be doing every thing possible to make sure that it is me that climbs to the top of the podium rather than anyone else. Leaving here in front would be a real bonus. "

With the exception of the first and last sections, which were both beautiful man made hazards depicting traditional style Japanese gardens, the majority of the remaining sections were wet and muddy. Lampkin was tied on two marks with Fujinami after the first eight sections on the opening lap, but a soft two at section nine and then a disastrous five, two hazards later gave his team mate a clear advantage. Dougie's mighty second lap fight back was spoilt as he allowed his bike to slip slightly backwards as he tried to rescue it on the summit of the massive double step at the start of the fifth hazard.

  World Outdoor Trials Championship Duluth, USA. Round 4 Day 2 Sunday 06/06/04

Dougie Lampkin presented his team mate Takahisa Fujinmai with today's victory, when he made a schoolboy error late on the first lap by going the wrong way in a section. Lampkin had controlled today's trial right from the start and had his nose in front until he missed a marker in section thirteen, which was one of the easier hazards on the course. This moved flag was one of many overnight changes made, as today saw brilliant sunshine after yesterday's torrential rain.

" Let's start with the positives, I am more than happy with the way I rode today and can once again count myself unlucky to not have won. I haven't made a mistake that bad since I was a B class schoolboy. The problem was we were rushing for time and I never really looked at the section properly, which is totally inexcusable at this level, and as a result I have paid a very heavy price. Losing ten points to Fuji this weekend is not good, but the championship is far from over. I need to start winning again and put the pressure on him. I know he has won the last four trials, but it's not as if I have been far away from doing the same. Fuji has definitely got the run of the luck at the moment, but that is what happens when you are riding well, I need to start creating my own good luck again. "

The organisers worked hard overnight in response to yesterday's appalling weather, increasing the severity of three sections and simplifying four others to create yet another good trial. Lampkin stated well by cleaning the first two sections before fiving his bogey third hazard, thankfully this time it was at the early part of the section and not at the great wall. This was not a major set back as no one faired better than a three on their first visit, although Dougie later laid memories of yesterday's major crash to rest by cleaning the wall on his second lap. Lampkin led Fujinami by two marks before his big mistake, and although he fought back well, his efforts were not enough to prevent the victory being given away. Fujinami even admitted during the press conference that he had been lucky today, and would have also taken the wrong route if he had not first seen Dougie's error

Información de: Jake Miller (Departamento de prensa del Dougie Lampkin Team)

Shaun Morris Press Release
  World Outdoor Trials Championship. Round 7 United States, Duluth 05/06.06.2004

Shaun Morris scores points on both days in Duluth

Junior World champion Shaun Morris scored points on both days at the World round in Duluth, Minnesota, round 7 and 8 in this years WTC series. Terrible weather on Saturday made the sections incredibly difficult, even more as the sections were made harder the day before on demand of the riders, as the bright weather at that time suggested a low score trial.

Shaun picked number A1 at signing in on the Friday, meaning that he had to start first on Saturday. This made it even harder as there were no lines in the sections and no good riders to learn from.

Shaun: “Today has been very dfficult for me. I had picked start number 1 and under these wet conditions, I knew that was going to be very bad, I couldn’t see any top riders doing the sections in front of me. It was so slippy that the first sections were practically impossible to get through. I tried everything I could but I just didn’t seem to happen for me at all on Saturday. I can only remeber that it was very difficult for everyone and scoring the three points for the championship that come with 13th position is better than nothing.

Sunday was a completely different trial. Tthanks to the sun turning up for duty, it had dried up dramatically and made the section a fair bit easier.

Shaun: “Sunday was a completely different trial, it had dried up overnight and there was a lot more grip in the sections. I rode reasonably well in the first lap, but when I handed in my punch card, I was notified that I hadn’t have my card punched at section nine. This one was cancelled on the Saturday due to the high water level of the water running through the section. I don’t really know how I have managed to leave that section without having my card punched, but it’s a silly error and cost my 13th position in the trial.”

Información de: Trials Action

Mika Vesterinen Press Release
  World Junior Trials Championship. Round 7 United States, Duluth 05/06.06.2004

Mika Vesterinen second on both days in th e World Junior Trials Championship round in Duluth, Minnesota

Junior rider Mika Vesterinen narrowly missed victory on both days in Duluth, but his title options remain open as his rivals lost valuable points as well.

Heavy rain Friday night and Saturday made the easy looking sections pretty hard for the Junior course, with 2 laps of 15 sections waiting for them. Mika started pretty good on Saturday, scoring a fantastic 1 in section two, and continuing that form untill section nine. But then everything started to work against him. In section 10, he drowned the bike in the deep river, making his clutch go really hard with all the water finding its way into the clutch casing. In the end, Mika battles hard and victory was never out of sight, but second place was the final result.

Saturday: Mika: “I am not pleased with my result today, as I know I should have won today. The mistake I made in section 10, resulting in a five in the section and drowning tjhe bike in the river, that cost me the victory. I lost five marks on time in the first lap with losing so much time getting the bike to work again. It’s a shame really because this was the ideal opportunity to get another win on the table. It didn’t happen however.

Sunday was a lot easier for the junior riders, as the sections dried up with the sun working at full power. Mika started out a bit shaky in the first sections, but recovered well during the latter part of the first lap. A unfortunate five in section 12 due to the chain going off the sprocket leaded to Mika lying in second af the first lap. A good second lap saw him him coming close to victory, but Spanish rider José Juan kept his nerves and won the trial on Sunday.

Sunday: Mika: “I rode pretty well today, cleaning. Two dissapointing fives each lap however made it impossible to beat Juan today, but that shows that silly mistakes are very costly in a tight trial as it usually is in the Junior class. It is important now that I get my act together and start winning again, if I want to get that Junior title this year. I will fight for it ‘till the end, my competitors can be sure of that!”

Información de: Trials Action

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